Musician Jenner Fox is an amazing singer songwriter, but the fact that he does many of his tours by bike (thanks in large part to Xtracycle), this was one of my most anticipated conversations for the podcast. Thanks to a friend who alerted me to his northeast tour, I was able to catch him and his bandmate Jeremy at Blue in Portland, Maine before sitting down for the fun and meandering conversation. We chatted about the earlier years of learning to ride in a church parking lot, a hilarious story of a family mountain bike trip that quickly went awry, and how the contemplative aspect of riding a bike became a large part of his songwriting process. Of all the stories, I particularly liked the ones involving human kindness on his travels — with one that had happened just the day before when they met Bruces from Bruce’s Burritos in Yarmouth, Maine during the heaviest rainstorm they had yet to encounter on their tour. And we finished the show with a performance of his bike inspired song “Tongue Canyon Road” before they jumped on their bikes and headed on to their next performance.